I recently was drawn to the work of Jen Stark through her mesmerizing animated Twitter avatar (stupid, but it worked!). Many of you know I am a sucker for anyone who uses exorbitant amounts of color. What is really interesting about Jen is that she manages to stretch her aesthetic over a variety of mediums, maintaining a relatively cohesive body of work.

3 responses to “JEN STARK’S SICK COLORS

  1. You guys remember when this dude used to blog??? It was awesome!! I miss it…oh well, I’ll just keep checking every couple of days to read the old posts. They’re worth it!!!

  2. whoops…entered the wrong email…that sure ain’t me! LOLz sorry. But for real!!! I miss this guy!!!

  3. Teeters-

    Fully agreed. This was once a great blog. Sucks taking it off my RSS…

    btw are you going to the Buffett show?

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